Over the years Danny has continued to dive deeper and deeper into the fascinating rabbit hole of fascia. Danny has become well known for his fascial-based perspective on human movement and sport performance. The goal of this page is to provide informative and insightful material that contributes positively to the sports performance, physical therapy, and sport science industries.
Fascial Mechanics for Sport
From Coaches Danny Foley and Matt Aldred comes a groundbreaking webinar-based continuing education series meticulously crafted for coaches and practitioners like you.
The first American course to specifically analyze the functional relationships between force plate analytics and fascial tissue functionality.
It includes 4 Sections complete with:
Expert featured guests providing multiple points of view on fascia based training including Stu McMillan and Andreas Behm, Zack Zillner and Corey Schlesinger, Steffan Jones, Rob Wilson, and more!
A direct coach's eye view inside actual training sessions
Considerations for private vs team settings
Practical case studies with applied problem solving
Force plate data analysis
Athlete profile breakdowns
2.0 CEU accredited through the NSCA

Fascia Chronicles
This thought capturing webinar course is one of its kind in bringing fascial considerations to strength training.
Throughout this course, you can expect to learn a basic understanding of fascial anatomy & physiology, general training considerations, and how fascia influences strength, mobility, and recovery.
A total of 9 hours, the course is broken up into 20-30 minute modules to complete at your own pace. You will receive 1.2 CEUs through the NSCA.


Episode 1: Plasticity
Episode 2: Training the 4 Properties
Episode 3: Stretching and Mobilizing Fascia
Episode 4: BJSM Fascia Consensus statement
Episode 5: Slings and Spirals
Episode 6: History and Classifications
Episode 7: Fluid, Hydration, and Tissue Gliding
Episode 8: The Mechanics of Fascia
Episode 9: Muscle vs. Fascia Based Athletes
Episode 10: Examining the Plantar Fascia
Episode 11: Biomechanics vs. Biotensegrity

Pacey Performance Podcast: Episode 535
Just Fly Performance Podcast: Episode 335
The Strength Coach Podcast: Episode 347
Science for Sport Podcast: Episode 105
Jochum Strength Podcast: Episode 80
The Barbell Nerds Podcast: Episode 37
The Student-Athlete Preparation Podcast: Episode 19